“Ghost Song Radio” Enters Pre-Production

Ghost Song Radio – a podcast about all things paranormal, supernatural, magical, and mysterious – is entering its pre-production phase. Host Dominick Balsamo cut his teeth in the podcasting world nearly half a decade ago with the Post Mortem Show horror movie podcast, and co-hosts the True Crime Horror Story Aftershow. He now brings his 25+ years of knowledge and experience as an investigator of the paranormal and occult to the airwaves.

On this show, Dominick will discuss a wide range of topics including ghosts and spirits, aliens, cryptids, magick, bizarre history, mystical experiences, obscure and misunderstood religions, and much more. Episodes will also feature interviews with interesting and creative people who are influenced by the strange and mystical, and true stories from listeners who have had experiences with the paranormal and supernatural.

Ghost Song Radio is being produced by Thoth Media in association with the TCHS Podcast Network, and will be available on all major podcast platforms. Production is slated for mid-summer, aiming for an October 2020 release date.

Have you had a strange true experience that you would like to share? Are you an artist, musician, writer, performer, or otherwise creative person who is inspired by the weirdness of the world? Send an email to ghostsongradio@gmail.com. We are currently accepting submissions for upcoming episodes.