Mechanical Ghost

Mechanical Ghost is the brainchild of musician/producer Dominick Balsamo. The project debuted in 2014 with the album Shadowbox, a cathartic darksynth journey deep into the anxiety-riddled psyche of its creator. In 2016, the ghost came back with Ars Moriendi Vol. 1: Stepping Sideways and Descending, an abstract dark ambient necromantic ritual full of ghosts and shadow creatures. In 2018 Ars Moriendi Vol. 2: Oneiroi in Flux was released, continuing in a dark ambient direction with an emphasis on dreams and nightmares.

Mechanical Ghost‘s music has been heavily featured on the True Crime Horror Story podcast, where Dominick serves as the show’s in-house composer. The project now comes to Thoth Media; where new music will be created, and an occult/paranormal podcast will be produced. Keep an ear out for future musical madness from Mechanical Ghost, as well as mindbending esoteric weirdness on Ghost Song Radio.